First ENTRY* of the year and also the first entry tat i'll be updating after i came back from Singapore.=)it's Year 2007 already!
Gotta be my O'level year this year! WOW~
This year will also be the last year i would be in singapore,if im not wrong.
Wish tat everything would be going on smoothly for KAREN this year!>.<
OHYA!Gotta apologize for not been updating eversince im back from Cambodia.=]
But anyway,at least i have already change the blogskin!=]
Wu Chun and Ella! HANA KIMI![花样少年少女]
it's really nice!
Anyway those who don't really know who is Wu Chun and who were the Four GUYS* up there, they were the Fahrenheit!>.<[Which is quite impossible.=.=] i love most would be WU JI CHUN!=]lols.tat's his real name. quite weird right?but i thinks tat IT'S DEFFINALY FINE!=)
Back to my own LIFE*.
Today is the complete of one week eversince i have coming back from Singapore.
Everything going well.Schoolmates are changing,as in the appearances and inter.>.< Get more and more mature! tat's a good thing.=)
Till now there's an event that holds a BIG space of memory in my brain man~.lols.
It would be the COUNTDOWN on 31Dec2006.Went out wid Xinhui, Mailing, Steven and Xiangyong.
It was a unforgetable night~lols.cuz new year was with those group of good pals~>.<
About my own interWORLD*
Lols. Saying tat i wouldn't mind it wasn't truth about it.
Wat i thought a first was that i really don't mind but truthly saying,after i went back to School for lessons, getting more and more........
Can't make myself getting into anymore TROUBLES in my last year in Singapore.
Troubles which will be like having someone who i won't bear to live for again.
I really hates this feeling.>.<