Monday 28 February 2005

LovE stOrY

yoZzZ..hErE iS a lOvE stOry[hOpE u wiLL likE iT:

He was not handsome..
But he had feelings..
One day, he felt in love with a woman..
A woman he really had a crush on..
But he realized that he was not handsome..
So he kept it deep inside his heart..
He was not handsome..
Knowing this, he still approached the girl he admired..
Upon approaching her, he asked her name and asked for her number..
They came into contact with each other..
The guy was happy and he felt nice talking to the lady..
He was not handsome..
He had to remember this all the time..
He knew he couldnt say out his wish to the lady..
However, one day, he took up the strength to call that lady..
When he was about to pick up the reciever, the phone rang..
It was her..
His crush...
His lady of his dreams..
She asked him out on that night..
There was no reason for him to say NO..
That night, they went to a restaurant..for dinner..
He was not handsome..
This was proven to him at that night..
When the lady told him that she had a crush on a guy..
He was crushed into pieces by his own crush..
but he didnt say a word..He knew it..
He was not handsome...
He was not handsome..
and he knew he wont get his girl of his dream..
So he intended to help the lady out..
He took the lady to the guy whom she had a crush on..
After a week, he saw the lady dating with the guy..
He knew that there is no more hope for him..
He was not handsome..and this made him loose his love..
He just kept his feelings deep inside his heart..
But it was okay for his love was happy with the guy she loved..
He was not handsome..but maybe his powerful love brought his lady back to him..
One day, the lady came all the way crying to him..
She said to him that she lost her virginity and the guy dumped him..
She was all in tears and didnt know where to go..
He was not handsome..but he loved her..
He wiped the tears off the lady and gave a warmhug..
The lady felt the warm feel gush through her nerves and touch her heart deep inside..
She realized that this is her true love..
He was not handsome..but he found his love finally..and he was happy ...

whaT i rEaLLy wAnt 2 sAy:
looks are not really the most important thing in love..
Consider the feelings of the ppl around you..
You might just find that true love of yours..
He or she may not be handsome or pretty..
but he or she might love you more than anyone could ever love you..
and that is greater than some handsome idiots or pretty bitch who doesn't love u.

-+=//aPpErciAtE dE peOpLe arOunD u\\=+-


eLLo..mE bacK agaiN...
2daY bOut 9 likE tiS mY eaR suDdEnLy hEarD a sOng...n taT iS mY favOuritE onE la...
buT fuNNy onE is taT dE sOng iS pLayEd haLf waY whEn i sTartEd 2 hEard iT...
hAhA...fuNny riGhT???
dEn i caNt rEalLy gEt in2 mOi dReaM agaIn...
sO saD so Sad...haiZzZ...
dEn i jUz gOt oUt oF mY bEd thEn gO makE mOi bReaKfAsT hOw i nOe nTh muCh 2 eaT onE lE...:'( sOb soB...buT i stIll gEt 2 eaT mOi bReakFasT...hahA...
dEn i gEt ready 2 gO anD mEeT carMen fOr shEphErdiNg...
hOw wE noE tiLL haLf waY...carmEn rEciEved a MessaGe saiD taT:
tRy 2 rEacH chuRch aT 12:30 evEn iF u arE havinG shEphErdiNg tiLL haLf waY...

sO sad...
thEn wE goEs theRe fOr meEtinG...
dEn wE haF sErvicE n aLsO moI sEmbawanG sEc jUniOr cOnvEnteD...
iM so haPpY!!!
dEn wE haF nOrtH mEeTinG tO attEnd...aFtEr dE dinnEr timE...
carMen asKed mE a qnS...tAt im a laZy to type dowN...haha...sOrrY...
buT dE nOrtH meEting tiLL halF way i haF to gO hOmE...saD!!!

dEn whEn i rEaCheD homE gOt scOldEd...
vEry tirEd...
dEn xianG asKed mE ouT 2 gO n cElEbraTe hiS birThday...
oK lO...
aT firSt wE waN 2 gO tEnse oF thaiLanD...buT bY dE timE wE reacHed thEre...
thErE waS a bOarD taT saId...:
sOrrY..wE arE cLose
!!!!!oH my gOsh!!!!
aiYo...wE takE sO mucH timE to gO thEre 2 eaT taT dEn...nOw???
iT's cloSed!!!angRy!!!
nEveRminD...canT reAlly bLamE thEm...haF 2 blaMe yIxianG...
nO lA...juZ kiDdIng...laTer hE reaD tiS...hE dE neXt daY cuM anD kiLL mE!!!dEn i diE diE liaO...
iN dE enD wE staY thErE 2 eaT KFC...siaN...
xiN hUi anD ivY hAd brOughT a caKe fOr xIanG...
aiYa...dOnt sAy liaO...vEry anGry!!!!
dEn bOut 10:20p.m. likE wE lEft taT KfC...
aH bu[xiN hUi]saiD taT waNtS 2 sEnd mE n ivY bacK hOme...
dE thrEe of Us...tOok a tAxI...
firSt pUt ivY dOwn aT dE dOn't whErE den seNd mE hoMe...
then xin Hui...gO hOme bY leG...whEn shE senD mE homE...
thaNks..ah bU!!!fOr sEndIng mE homE...
hEhE...dEn i rEachEd hOme aT 10 pLus bOut 2 11....
dEn i OnLinE cHaT tiLL 11:30p.m. dEn gO sHoWer...
haHa...sO smeLLy...hAha...
aftEr taT i sTay oNlinE agaIn...
oK la...i haF tO enD...tOo tirEd...
gooD niTe...sEe Ya...

-+=//FRENZ cUm & frEnZ gO...buT a trUe fRenZ sTickS bY yOu liKe faMiLy...\\=+-

Saturday 26 February 2005


iM baCk 2dAy aGain
hOw iS uR daY??
haPPy???saD???tiReD???oR anYthinG elsE???
hAhA...fOr mE...2daY likE evEry fEeLinGs aLso haF...

fOr eXaMplE:
duRinG mOrNinG aSSembLy...fEeL vEry sLeePy...dEn dOwn thErE sLeePinG...fEeLs cOld..
sCiEncE lEssOn...fEeL likE fEvEr...vEry sIck..
maThS...canT taKe iT...sLepT thRoughT oUt dE whOle maThS lEssOn...
rEcEss...vEry dE hUngRy...hEhE...
chIneSe...angRy wiF jH...cuZ he diD sOmetHinG vEry baD n mAdE mE vEry angRy...
iM sO anGrY tAt i thrOw hiS tabLe..nOt rEalLy thrOw lA..hEhE..
thEn hE aSkeD mE:
u anGry hUh???
thEn i anSwer tiS:
shUt uP lA!!!
Oh my gOsh...sO likE wEirD...hAhA...
aFtEr taT is LiT thEn hE liKe vEry dE wEird..suDdeNly vEry quIet!!!
oK..fOrgEt bOut iT...
aFtEr skOOl whEn iM eaTinG i suDdEnLy reCieVed a mEssaGe fRom Jh...saId sOrrY 2 mE...
thEn i anSwerEd hiM taT i haD fOrgivEn hiM a LoT tiMe agO...
dEn whEn i gO n pUt baCk dE plaTe...
i saW xuEwEn thEy aLL...
thEn thEy tOld mE taT niChoLas jUz nOw tOld dEzirEE taT hE lOvE hEr!!!woW!!!
buT hE saiD tiLL likE aN indiAn taLkinG 2 hEr likE tiS...hOw shE unDerstAnd...thEn i dUn nOe liAo...

aFtEr tAt jIa qI waNtS mE 2 aCcOmpaNy hEr gO bUy yIxianG's bIrtHdaY prEseNt...
whEn wE wEnt waLkinG 2wArDs dE baCk gaTe...oUtsiDe dE H.O.D rOom i saW jH in hiS pE t-sHirt...
cUz laTer i haF to Go fOr carEgrOup sO i tOld jiA qI 2 waLk faSt...thEn i mEt caRmEn aT dE traFFic LigHt thErE...shE saId taT shE gO uP tO hIm Yi's hOusE fIrsT[caRe grOup aT hEr hOusE]
tHeN jIa Qi n i wEnt 2 gIftLanD thEn aftEr a lOng tiMe oF lOoKinG arOunD...wE dEciDe 2 bUy a........
dUn tEll cuZ scArE laTer taT tIng yI xiAng cUm n sEe...dEn nOt suRpisE liaO...hAhA...
whEn On dE waY dOwn sUn pLazA...i caLLed cArmEn...2 aSk whEthEr iS thEre anY1 2 mEeT Or anYthiNg 2 bUy...
sHe tOld mE 2 gO n meEt vErOnicA...n gEt hEr sOmetHing 2 eaT...
sO i gO n mEeT hEr lOh...iN mRt sTatIon...
oK...i waIt hEr OvEr thErE boUt 15 mInutEs...
thEn i mEt yU lOng firSt thEn hOpe oF gOd chuRch dE tHerEsa...
dUrinG dE carEgrOup...
wE haF aLot oF fUn!!!A-men..
hAhA...aFtEr dE carEgrOup...wE aLsO haF alOts Of fUn!!!
oHya..thE daY befOre yEsterdaY nigHt...mOi aunT!!!
haD gavE birTh tO a babY bOi!!!wow!!!
tOdaY saW hiM...sO cuTe...
hEhE...sO hapPy...
oK la...haF tO stOp liaO...cuZ tOmorroW i haF tO mEeT carMen fOr shEphErdiNg!!!
gOd bleSS...finaLLy...wE caN haF shEphErdiNg!!!A-men...
oK la...eNd!!!sEE yA...
wOw...hEarD taT dEzirEE gavE niCholaS a chAncE...tAts gOoD!!!

-+=//EvEn hOw haRd dE dAy u haD aLso haF tO ovErcUm...iF u faLL in Luv a pErsOn teLL hiM or hEr...u wiLL nOt nOe waT is gOing 2 hapPenEd tOmorrOw...\\=+-

nIchOlaS Jia You!!!

Friday 25 February 2005


i'm back again...haha...
today quite happy school today...hehe..
ok la...dun wish to say too much...haha.. very the tired le...then got history test...ohya...
thanks JH for helpin me to copy the hw...
thanks alot...
haha...the history test..all is MCQ one good...
haha...LOL... morning we sec2 got life run!!!
oh my gosh!!!
hate it le...
ok la...we 2E1 the last to run le...
then the jonathan the talkative...then let the boys go first le...then want us to get back in 20 minutes time.. ok la...
i reached back there before 20 minutes time...
but hoh...the jimmy tong...mad liao...
say we took 22 minutes to run...idiot!!!
then want us to run the basketball court three rounds...
made me so the tired...almost vomit!!!
ok la...well...
the people who got punish from 2e1:
then i don't know liao...think is like this la...hehe...
hai~~now so the sian...
ohya...after school...
carmen...amelia and me...go to canberra sec to exaz...
haha...praise god!!!
i did exaz till three person!!!
that's good...
hehe...ok doing bullenting..but i dunno the praise...worship...and the annocement...
ok la...i think i will end here...
see ya...

-+=//apPreCiaTe dE tinK u haF nOw..OncE u gOt a chaNcE duN lEt gO...rEmEmber\\=+-

Thursday 24 February 2005

***sad..sad..*** i went to school...
then during maths class...i really very the "fan"
then i did cry...but one saw it...that's good...
how i know...
when maths lesson end...
then we got we have to go to the art room...
so i went out of the classroom then suddenly...
i told jia qi this:
jia qi can you tell me a joke...faster...faster...faster...
but she pause there...didn't do anything instead she asked me this:
xiao mei...what happened???
oh want to cry liao huh...
-_-'''oh my gosh...
the more you ask me...the more you made me cry le...
oh my gosh...
haha...then i started crying loh...
haha...dun ask me why...
cuz i also dunno...or even i think i forgotten...haha...
ok la...i will end here...
the end...
see ya next time...bye bye...

-+=//dO knOw waT iS bEst fOr uRseLf...whEn goT prObLemS trY 2 sEttLe iT..dUn tiNk oF 2warDs dE baD sidE\\=+-

Sunday 20 February 2005

***exciting***angry***sad***disappointed*** today go moi church!!!
so exciting...
all the praise today are sssssoooooooo nice[cuz is moi favourite songs!!!]
and the worship today are really very good too!!!
keep up the good work!!!
well today...
in church we had alot of fun and also Vivian had joined us today!!!
praise god!!!
then today at in end of the service...
while we were having worship...
xuewen called me...
oh my gosh!!!what am i goin to do??? i jus hang up her sorry leh...xuewen...
sorry sorry...i really can't answer the phone call...
today jus now...before go and meet esther and jogina...
i called JH...
well his father said alot of things...that made me really very malu...hehe...
oh...ok...dun say liao...
jus now during dinner time...i received moi aunt sms me:
come home before 7p.m. today cuz we will be having streamboat tonight...
ok...then i reached home at bout 6:40p.m???
think so la...hehe...then we 6:50p.m. like this started eating...

hai~~~ jie jie and cheryl went to their teacher's new year celebrating...then tonight the streamboat they didn't get to eat...
hai~~~then mi jus now at 9plus or 8 plus like this sms JH...
you know what time he reply??
jus...whereby is 11:10...hai~~
ok la...dun blame him...
i now having a feeling that he is having something troubling him... but he choose not to tell me...
ok la...maybe i really dunno him much...haha..nvm.. 2e1 students are having conversation together...then now they talking bout the couples in the class...-_-'''
lame le...
ohya...yesterday our school volley ball gals...vesus PHS volleyball gals...then we lost by onli 2 marks leh...
=( so sad so sad..
but nevermind...sembawang volleyball had did your best and you guys will always be the best...!!!! JIA YOU!!!
haha...ok la...i will end here..
wish that you guys will be happy always...

-+=//FriEnZsHiP iS dE onLi cEmEnT taT wiLL EvEr hoLd dE wOrLd 2gEthEr\\=+-

Wednesday 16 February 2005

***a late wish: HAPPY VALENTINE DAY***

ello...sorry for the late wish of happy valentine day!!!
well...yesterday is valentine day...
as for no different la...this is how is goes:
in the morning...when in the morning reading assembly...
xiao pang[vincert]walk to de back and throw the present that TJH wanna give me...
ok...the present is a necklace and you know what???
the most funny thing is that...
mi also brought a necklace for him le...
haha...really is xin lian xin...haha..jus say say only...take it easy hoh...
ok la...then yesterday morning very the malu le...haha...
i heard from jia qi that...
when TJH heard that i reject his valentine present...
his face from happiness to sadness
then i at last i jus accept it...
then during miss chia nono is mrs raj and mr raj never come to school then no lesson
but got relieve teacher...
we were told to do homework..
haha...the news paper article...[ohya...say till news paper article, we have to cut the article out]
haha...he did the work soooo fast...
then i have to rush loh...
that time he gone to xiao pang the seat there and sleep
as i wanna go and throw moi rubbish..
so i walk towards him first then put the present down...but he like dunno like this...
so when i wanna walk back to moi seat...i went up to him,shake his head and said this:
"this is for you one lah...accept hoh..."
then i turn back and walk back to moi seat... stupid of even idiot of me..
then he accept liao..
later on...i walk towards nicholas seat as it is infront of xiao pang's seat...then i sat down and start to talk to jasmine...then i like turn back and tell TJH that...
mi the neck there got can't let him help me put on...hehe...[wow...luckily..hehe...]
jus kidding la...
then yesterday didn't go out with TJH[cuz he never ask]
since he never ask i dont go out loh...
i go home and sleep...haha...
this is how my year 2005 valentine day goes... is the seventh day of chinese new year whereby today is ren ri and this will be called as everybody's birthday..
so wanna wish you guys a happy birthday!!!
haha...ok in school happened many things la...haha...
maybe i will tell you guys tomorrow...type so much liao... lazy to continue typing...hehe...sorry malu...
bye bye...come and update the other day...

Saturday 12 February 2005

***sad sad sad*** beri the sad..
cuz today CAREGROUP CAN'T GO!!!
hehe...not moi parents who dun allow moi to go...
is moi the stomach...idiot the pain pain...
jus now almost can't walk pain u know...i may take about 50 or more to reach pro of me...hehe... caregroup never go,i think i really miss alot of fun!!!:'(
sad sad sad...

jus now on the way near to school la...then moi stomach very very very very the pain le...
then i can't even carry moi bag...can't even walk!!!
oh my gosh!!!
but thanks god that...
jia qi and abigail is with mi...if not even i faint on the road there is also no one to care liao...
hehe...ok la...jus now beri the funny le...
simin and weilun walkin infront of us [when i'm in deep pain]
then the both of them very funny le...walk walk stop..walk then stop...walk then stop...
then later the both of them walk back le...then ask the three of us what happened to moi...
haha...then jia qi said that moi stomach pain pain...
then they say ok ma???
then i say ok la...nevermind one...can still go home...
then they dunno like walk back school then they said this...
"xiao mei, why never call jian hui?? tell him to carry you home la...!!!"
then jia qi abigail and moi never care la...continue to go home...
but the main thing is: I CAN'T EVEN WALK HOME...VERY THE PAIN!!!:'( :'( :'(sob sob sob..
then when we reached bout like under BLK 320??? think so la...then we sat down...then jia qi called jian hui...idiot le...called him to come and help moi...
but jian hui didn't come...didn't do anything...didn't ask anything...'s's very the ok...
haha...i can't wish to see anything more in him...:'(
then jia qi wanna go and buy Mc something...
as we are taking a long time abigail decided to go first...
then when jia qi and i under BLK 350 dunno what...then i seen moi jie jie!!!so help liao...
then we take bout one hour to reach home... got the injection letter...
you know when i have to go injection???:'( sob sob sob...
on moi birthday!!!so sad...

then today in school...chinese teacher[mrs chew] scolded us...hai~~~so sian le...still say mi!!!
but say mi is good...if never say it is not good liao le..hehe...
ok la...jus said that today beri the sian sian sian...
ok la...i will end here liao...end here..bye bye..

Friday 11 February 2005

***love story*** i wanna share you guys a very touching love story...
the story goes like this...
He met her at a party.
She was so outstanding,many guys chasing after her,while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him.
At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised but due to being polite, she promised.
They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, she felt uncomfortable, she thought to herself,
"Please, let me go home.."
Suddenly he asked the waiter, "Would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my coffee."
Everybody stared at him, so strange!
His face turned red but still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it.
She asked him curiously, "Why you have this hobby?"
He replied, "When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea, I liked playing in the sea, Icould feel the taste of the sea , just like the taste of the salty coffee.
Now every time I have the salty coffee, I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my hometown so much, I miss my parents who are still living there."
While saying that tears filled his eyes.
She was deeply touched.
That's his truefeeling, from the bottom of his heart.
A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home..
Then she also started to speak, spoke about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family.
That was a really nice talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story.
They continued to date.
She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands; he had tolerance, was kind hearted, warm, careful.
He was such a good person but she almost missed him!
Thanks to his salty coffee!
Then the story was just like everybeautiful love story, the princess married to the prince, then they were living the happy life...
And, every time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee, as she knew that's the way he liked it.
After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said, "My dearest, please forgiveme, forgive my whole life's lie. This was the only lie I said to you---the salty coffee.Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time, actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead. I never thought that could be the start of our communication!I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything..Now I'm dying, I afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth, I don't like the salty coffee, what a strange bad taste.. But I have had the saltycoffee for my whole life!Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If I can live for the second time, still want to know you and have you for my whole life,even though I have to drink the salty coffee again."
Her tears made the letter totally wet.
Someday, someone asked her, "What's the taste of salty coffee?"She replied, "It's sweet."
i wanna put this in moi blog cuz love is not 2 forget but 2 forgive, not 2 see but understand,not 2 hear but 2 listen, not 2 let go but HOLD ON !!!!
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.
do you guys like this story???
i love this story alot you know???
hehe...ok la...i will end here..

Wednesday 9 February 2005

***happy new year*** is chinese new year eve...
and after bout three hours plus...
it will be the chinese rooster year!!!wow...
so i wanna wish you guys here...
haha...well it been a very very very long time since the last time i came update moi blog...
well...this few days in school happened alot of special so funny too...
haha...but too bad i dun think i wanna type out...cuz really very the lazy to type so much loi... sorry la...if can when you meet me next time in school or on the street then ask me to tell you loi...hehe...
ok the new year celebration in moi school[sembawang sec]is really really very the nice...better than last year...last year one...wao piang lei...very the suck leh...haha...
well i know alot of the things leh...this few days...but i dun think i wanna say out...cuz it is a secret between moi and moi frenz...haha...
hai~~~so the sian listening to music...and some of moi cousins are!!!
haha...ok la...dun say liao... moi school have a competition: wraping dunno what
it is for the old folk and we all have to wrap it till very the nice and we will have to compete between your own level...
and you know what???
moi class 2e1 got the top for the whole level two!!!so happy...
ok la...have to end liao...see ya next time... blogskin change liao...have to thanks xuewen!!!haha...thanks alot xuewen!!!
ok lah...end here...bye bye..