Thursday 17 March 2005


hai~~~tis few days lazy to cum online and update...
can says that i didn't really cum online la...
hai~~~tis few days had been happening alot of things..
on my birthday...
de day before n after...
till now...
well...i do have happy times...
but i feel like i'm telling myself i'm happy...instead that i feel that i'm happy...
oh my...wat am i talking about?
mad liao...
maybe i'm jus having no feelings...
or givin myself too much stress le!!!
='( now feeling like crying...
dunno why...
jus now gone to YX house and watch spirited away...
den i still lent de disc back...
cuz haven't watch finish...
hai~~~but how i know that...
i also have de disc le...!!!
den jus now cuz quiet late le ma...den YX send me home lo...
den when reached BLK 423a...
cuz have alot of things to say den i asked him to stay there and talk lo...
den we talk talk talk frm 8 plus till 9:40 like this...
hai~~~den we talk bout alot of things...
jus now i also go to his blog...and read his entires...
den now i know why he yesterday online said that he wanna cry...
dun wry la...
u will have once like this one la...
last time i also dun have den me also very de sad how i know that...
now i have liao...
jus wait....
when truth love cum u wan to stop it also can't...ok?
so dun think too much boy boy...

me wanna thx de ppl who had given me cards. presents. spend time with me.wishing me happy birthday.send me happy birthday sms.
and more...even celebrate moi birthday!!!
thanks alot...
i love this birthday alot!!!
ok end here liao...

Sunday 13 March 2005


wOw!!!tOdaY vEri dE haPPy!!!
cuZ moI carEgrP frEnZ gavE mI a biRtHdaY sUrpiSe!!!
praIsE gOd!!!
tOday i reaLLy bEri dE happY!!!
i waNNa praiSe gOd...
becuZ hE iS dE onE whO leT mE geT inTo taT carEgrP anD churCh!!!
iF nOt i wiLL nOt bE sO haPPy todaY!!!
prAisE hiM foR giviNg mE suCh a gOod caRinG caRegrP n aLso chUrcH!!!
weLL...i reaLLy wannA thX dE pPls iN mOi carEgrP!!!
u r rEaLLy iN dEEp a gOod carEgrP!!!
a caRinG oNe!!! praiSe gOd...
hEhE...tOday i gOt twO birThdaY prEsEnts...
a fEw carDs...
n a fLoweR!!!
wOw!!!dE firSt timE recIeVed fLower!!!
i'm sO tOucH!!!
dE fLoweR iS givEn bY oLivinE's carEgrP!!! praiSe goD...
i dO aLso likE dE prEseNts!!!
aLL dE prEseNts iS madE oUt foR mE onE!!!
hM...hOw tO saY lEh...
likE onE oF dE preSent frM baby n hIm yI!!!
thEy brOuGht a cOntaiNeR n fOld aLot oF sTarS foR mE!!!
i knOw thaT u 2 haD spEnt a Lot oF uR timE tO do iT!!!
thX fOr senDing sOoOo mucH tiMe dOin dE prEseNt foR mE!!!
reaLLy thX aLot!!!i lovE iT aLot...
caRmEn...mOi shEphErd!!!
thX foR dE hM...stuDy harD thiNg foR mE!!!i luV it aLot!!!
i wiLL takE goOd carE oF iT!!!
n alSo...dE alSo dunnO waT iT callEd...taT donE bY ameLia, babY n viviaN!!!
thX alOt...haF tO trOubLe u thrEE tO gO dOwn 2 cAuSewaY pOinT n dO iT 4 mE!!!
thX aloT!!!
n aLso dE frEnZ whO haD wrOtEn mE carDs!!!i lovE iT alOt!!!

caN saY taT i luV cardS moSt cuZ vEry encOuraGe!!!
anD aLso thX mOi dE ppLs in dE carEgrP whO hElp tO givE mE a suRpiSe!!!
i thInk i thX moSt iS moi shEphErd!!!heHe...
oK la...mE end hErE...saYoonArA...

-+=//wisH mYsElf a happY birThday!!!\\=+-

Saturday 12 March 2005


baD nEws!!!
miSs Lim 2daY iS goIn 2 lEavE dE skOoL...='(
sOb soB...caNnOt liKe tiS laH...caNnOt!!!
whY misS liM haF 2 lEavE uS???
misS liM...duN woRry tOo mucH 4 ouR cLass!!!
wE wiLL prOve 2 u taT wE wiLL noT thrOw uR facE...
wE wiLL dO oUr bEst!!!
jia You!!!2e1!!!
='( ~~~AH~~~
miSs..i wiLL misS u onE!!! anD aLso..
i wiLL...nO i mEaN dE whOle cLasS oR evEn dE whOle skOoL wiLL nOt fOrgEt u oNe!!!
gOod lUck tO u iN dE nEw skOoL!!!
n dO cUm bacK n LoOk foR uS!!!
rEmEmbEr tO puT uS iN uR mEmoRisE iN seMbaWanG sEcOndaRy skOoL!!!
u wiLL aLwaYs dE bEst tEacHer whO tEachEs uS gEogRapHy...
evEn thOughT sUmtimE i diD gOt scOldEd bY u...cUz Of sUmthIngS taT i doNe wrOngLy...
buT i dIdnT bLamE u!!!iNsteAd i haF tO thX u!!!
miSs Lim u wiLL aLwaYs iN dE bEst teaCher LisT!!!nOt iN baD teaCheR LisT...
i dUn caRe whicH skOoL u gOin bUt i waNna wiSh u gOod LucK..taKe caRe...
aLL dE beSt tO u miSs Lim...
LovE u!!!

hai~~toDay mIss lIm leFt oUr skOoL...lEft ouR cLass...LeFt uS!!!='(
evEn thOughT i'm vEri saD bUt stiLL haF tO wiSh hEr gOod LucK iN eVeryThinG...=(
hAi~~yEstErdaY dUriNg hEr laSt pEriOd..wE gOt oUr tEst paPer bacK...
dEn wE taLk n jOke a whiLe...asK teAchEr qnS...
dEn wE yEstErdaY evEn gO n takE pIcTurEs...whOle cLass pHoTo wiTh miSs Lim!!!
wE gOt bOut fivE oR siX likE tiS...
OncE dE boIs n miSs Lim..
dEn twIcE gaLs dEn i juX saT beSidE hEr...='(
evEn thOugHt wE knEw taT yEstErdaY miGht bE dE lAst timE tO taKe pHoTowiTh hEr..bUt wE stiLL haF tO smiLe...nOnO stiLL haF chaNcE oNe!!!
iF i caN hElp miSs Lim tO chOoSe...i wiLL tEll dE MoE noT tO lEt hEr gO tO oThEr skOOl...
wE knEw bOut tiS neWs On weDnesdaY...duRing OuR CLD lesSon...='(
todAy iS dE laSt daY oF teRm 1...
dEn nOw iS hoLiday liaO lO...
buT i caN teLL u taT tiS hoLidaY iS nOt likE a hoLidaY aT aLL...
cuZ gOt aLoT oF homEwoRk!!!
siaN diaO...
anD aLsO...todAy dE TAF caMp staRt liaO!!!
quiEt aLot oF ppLs weNt tO dE caMp...nOt onLi taF mEmbErs La..stiLL haF otHers...
dE camP wiLL bE brEak tmL...
dEn yEstErdaY pEng YoU akA xiaO panG...
tOld mE taT toniGht thEy aLL canT sLp...
cuZ dE teacHer saId taT thEre wiLL bE fUn gaMes...waItinG foR thEm...
hahAxxx....haF tO wiSh thEm gOod LucK...
tOdaY i reCiEvEd twO birThdaY prEseNts...
evEn thOught mE birThdaY nO todaY buT iS oN mOnday..haHa...
onE iS frM jaS dE jaSminE...
dEn anOthEr onE is frM dEzIrEE yOng xIn jOliE n xUewEn...
thX foR u guYs birThday prEseNts...i lOve iT aLot...

weLL i thiNk i knOw wHy xuEweN thEy aLL gavE mE taT prEsEnt..
cuZ lOoK likE mE n aH huI...
dEn todAy wE gOt bacK oUr rEpOrt bOoK...
wOw...siaN diaO...
mE faiLeD thRee suBjeCt...Ok la...i dUn waN tO saY anY mOre...dE moRe i saYs dE mOre i wiLL crY oUt...
ohyA...yEstErday..aH hUi smSed mE...asK mE waT i waNna foR mOi birthdAy...
hOw woUld i nOe Wat i waNt???diaO...oK la..dUn saY liao...madE mE mOre......
hM...lIke nO fEeLingS lE..buT stiLL haF tO stOp!!!
cuZ i thiNk i tYpE toO muCh liaO..u gUys lOok liKe gOinG tO boRe tO dEatH..
sO i beTtEr stOp mY craP...
oK la...hOlidaY nOw...wiSh u guYs wiLL enJoy uR hOLiday...
iF goT anYthIng inTereStinG iNfoRm mE bOut iT whEn skOoL reOpEn!!!oR u caN taG it in De taGboarD..iF thErE iS enOugH spacE dEn i dUn minD...hahA...
enJoy uR hoLiday!!!byE byE...

-+=//dE deEpEr u luV..dE dEepEr u huRt\\=+-

Wednesday 9 March 2005


mE lOnG timE nEvEr cUm uPdaTe LiaO...
tOday PE mE liKe goNe maD liaO...
duRing pE dE bOy gO foR naFa dEn wE gaLs pLay baDmintOn lO...
wOw...sO gD...haHa...
dE 4 oF uS jia Qi daPhnE mcS n mE pLay 2gEthEr..
sO fUn...mE n mcS iN oNe grOup n jiA qi n daPhnE iN onE grOup..
hahA...wE diD haD aLot oF... PraisE gOd...
dEn wE haD ouR eNglisH sO gooD lEh..
wE gO aVa rOoM cuZ wE wEnt thErE 2 waTcH sTarWar..
haHa..wE dId enJoy oUrselvE aS vEry cOoLinG..buT a liTTle smeLLy cuZ juZ haD pE waT haHa...
oK la...dEn wE haD mUsiC...wOw...toDay wE heaR a SoNg caLL:
Juz The Two Of Us...
saNg bY:
wiLL smiTh...
sO niCe...hEhE...
dEn wE haD matHs LessOn...
aLmoSt dE whOle pEriOd i dOwn thErE haLf awAkE...
dOn't teLL mRs liM n mS kOO hoH..
tOo tiRed liaO ma...
canT bLaMe mE...
dEn gOt chinEsE!!!
oH my goSh...
wE haFinG a teSt todaY..
oH my...
mE dE wriTe dowN dE woRd i aLmoSt aLL wrOtE wrOngLy...
oK la...nOw crY aLso nO uSe..
dEn aFtEr skOOl yOng xIn faiZ n i staY bacK n dO dE dNt dE "Flying Pig"
woW...todaY wE haD dOnE iT liaO.. A-mEn...
sO gD... pRaisE gOd...
Ok la...dEn On dE waY hOme...juZ oUt oF dE skOOl dE bacKgatE...
Yong xIn n xiNg Lin[miaN yanG] aT dE bacK..
dEn xiNg LIn caLLeD mE zhU rEn..bUt i hearD zhU rOu...haha...
dE jOkE staRteD hErE...
Ok lA...mE haF tO enD hErE...
bYe byE...

-+=//gO fOr dE thIngs u waN bUt iF u nOe taT thErE wiLL nOt haF noT hapPinEss...dEn jUz lEt gO...stOp gOinG fOr iT...\\=+-

don't let girl cry...

If ever a girl cries in front of you,
it means that she can't take it anymore.
If you take her hand,
she would stay with you fort he rest of your life.
If you let her go,
she could never go back to being herself anymore.
A girl wont cry easily,
Except in front of the person whom she loves the most,
she becomes weak.
A girl wont cry easily,
only when she love you the most,
she put down her ego.
Guys, if a girl cries bcos of you,
please hold her hands firmly,
she's the one who would stay with you for the rest of your life.
Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you,
please dont give her up,
maybe bcoz of your decision,
you might ruin her life.
When she cries right infront of you,
When she cries bcoz of you,
Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she's feeling?
Which other girl will have cried wif pure sincerity,
Infront of you, and bcoz of you?
She cries not because she is weak,
She cries not bcoz she wan sympathy or pity,
She cries,
Because crying silently is no longer possible,
the pain,hurt,n agony
have become too big aburden to be kept inside.
Guys,Think about it,
If a girl cries her heart out 2 you,
And all because of you,
Its time to look back on wat u have done,
Only you will know the answer to it.
Do consider it,
Coz one day,
It may be too late for regrets,
It may be too late to say "im sorry".
To my friends...
Ponder this message seriously.
Dont do dis to a girl,
You may regret for the rest of your life.
Maybe in your life,she's the onli one that truly loves YOU the most.
!!!Remember this lesson!!!

Saturday 5 March 2005

foOtprinTs oN dE sanD

hErE iS oNe Of a chRistIaN stOry...
wIsH taT u gUys wiLL liKe iT...
dE stOry gOeS lIkE thIs:
One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand:
one belonging to him, and the other to the LORD.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the LORD about it:
"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."
The LORD replied:
"My son, my precious child,I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
===the end===
weLL waT iT saiD iS taT...
gOd wiLL aLsO bE uR siDe...
dUriN uR timEs Of daNgEr...exAms..aT anYwHeRe..
jUs turN n loOk 4 hIm whEn u haF aNy prObLems...
So dUn thInk taT gOd iS nOt wiTh u..
gOd wiLL aLsO bE aT uR siDe
===maY gOd bLeSs aLL oF u===