Tuesday, 27 February 2007

The finish of Common Test 1'o7

'Hello' to the people out there.Karen is back to update her blog.lols.

Today is the last day of having my Common Test 1. I'm confirm that i had lost 3marks for my Amaths paper. As the for the 1st qns, i'm not able to do.lols.
Enough of TEST~.

These few days have been a tiring day for me as i have been studying hard for my Common Test. But it is just for THIS FEW DAYS.lols.I'm not so obedience in studying.lols.

Anyway, just brought i-weekly as the front page is WUCHUN & ELLA!*=)

Having a strong feeling that Zun & Ella is together.lols.Do go to this web to read about it:
English version:
Chinese version:

It want to show us how close where the both of them during the interview.
lols.They are really close.=)

End here.=D


Sunday, 25 February 2007

Common Test 1 Week

Another week had past and i had just taken English Paper on last friday.
It was quite difficult but still wish to score well.=)
For the past 3days of school, teachers were goin through topics that are coming out for our CA.
Especially Mdm Sem, she's worry for our class both A and Emaths CA as almost all the class test that she had given us were badly done.
Anyway, i have been suffering in my both A and Emaths. I think i better go for tuition lessons in bishan.=D
By the way, yesterday i saw one chinese post in Friendster about Fahrenheit. Therefore, people who are interested, you can take a look as i had copied down and paste it in this post.
Article on Baidu:
相信大部分的亲都知道了飞飞在参加超级大赢家时受了委屈. 主持人高凌风狂妄自大,恶心做作,实在是太过分了! 我们的飞飞多么努力,卖力的录制节目,亚纶眼睛被烟花伤到,亦儒牺牲超大的,裤子都磨破掉了,大东的舞跳了三遍只是想跳好 一点,但主持都不同意,还听说高凌风有故意提及尊母亲的事情来说笑,太过分了!!! 我们的尊本来就发着高烧坚持着录节目,还遭受这样的委屈!!!
以下是一位亲的现场记录: "在合肥的最后一天,只有下午要去录个超级大赢家,开始还以为他们终于可以休息了,没想到,这个节目竟会是如此的变态,变态到了一 个及至。首先是那个恶心的男人(高凌风)对舞群意见极大,改动作,试录就搞了半个小时,一直看到后台亚纶和大东超HIGH的跳舞 ,就是不开始,能急死谁。后来看到亚纶在后面边笑边学那个什么想太多的舞,开始还以为只是他自己在那耍宝,结果没想到飞唱完第一首 歌以后,竟然要C去请三个主持人上场,天啊,这什么节目啊,主持也太大牌了吧,而且第一遍还嫌C的声音不够大,飞的动作不整齐 又重新录了一次,能把谁气死!然后这个烂歌完了之后,竟然顶棚突然爆炸了烟花,是火星的!!!
我们所有人都吓到了,亚纶也下意识的 一看,结果一个大火星就冲着他眼睛去了,他立刻就不行了,痛苦的捂着眼睛,我们都疯了,大叫他名字,尊也赶快过去看,光头就拉着亚 纶下去了,大东他们急的要死也跟着往下走,可是一把被高给拉了回来,竟然继续录!!!什么啊,这样也可以啊,看大东他们的表情都急 死了,竟然还要继续录!!!而且高还立刻脸不红心不跳的说了一堆恶心的话,什么艺人出点小意外是难免的,我们希望他没事,靠!!!什么人啊,难道艺人不是人啊,现场立刻有人哭了起来,我只是担心,紧张,手足无措,完全听不进去高继续讲的一切话,大东他们也都在强忍着。
后来光头突然回来了,跟现场说亚纶送医院了,天啊,这不是就说明很严重吗,我伤心死了,立刻大哭,觉得亚纶为什么要做这个 ,为什么要这么辛苦,为什么每次受伤害的都是他。于是完全没了心情,和言言一起大哭起来。
过了十分钟,亚纶突然出现在后台,又看到他才终于放心了,这孩子没事,还笑着竟然。走上来以后,高又说了一堆莫名其妙的话,太可恶 了,还假惺惺的说我们以后为了你要把这个环节取消,靠,假不假啊~后来有偷叫他,问他怎么样,他捶了捶胸说他没事,这才放了心。
可是他眼角红红的,还一直不停的揉,显然是烫到了,他还有问尊和C睫毛有没有焦掉,哎,真是心疼~ 到了跳舞的环节,大东由于要求完美,结果被要求跳了三遍,那么难的动作谁跳三遍也受不了啊,看他表情真的非常痛苦,哎,真不容易。 空挡的时候有叫亚纶,他凑过来,然后告诉他要小心,他点了点头。可是这个孩子就是爱逞强,腿都已经这样了还要做劈腿的动作,他后来跟大东说还没劈下去就有点疼了,大东还有说他逞强,哎,真是,搞的现在走路还一瘸一拐的,都是这个烂节目的烂安排!C也牺牲超大 的,裤子都磨破掉了,真是太整人了吧,一点内容和趣味性都没有,看到的全都是痛苦、汗水和泪水。
天啊,还折磨到尊没有母亲的痛处, 这还是不是人干的啊,什么烂节目啊!!! 看到一半的时候,我们就全部看不下去了,直接走掉,回酒店写了信,飞也很疲惫的回来了,看到我们还有问我们吃没吃晚饭,还要我们早点休息~哎,这不是应该跟你们说的吗?!有跟亚纶说好好休息,他点了点头,似乎心情没有受到太多影响,还因为电梯等错了在那自娱 自乐,最好是没什么事吧。"
The person is really unreasonable!!How could he do this to them??!!!Who do he think he is?Even if he's the host for the day but does it equal to he could treat Fahrenheit like that??!!Stop being so annoying.Poor Fahrenheit~.
Yesterday went to Bugis:Sim Lim Square to buy Yusri's MP3,however,instead of buying MP3,i brought Mp4 for him.lols.which cost s$75,1GB,Green.Wish that he would like it.
For the whole of today,i have been practising on drawing graphs wish that it will be able to help me in tomorrow's Emaths paper.=)
I supposed i will end here,after dinner gotta study for my Amaths!GAMBATTE!=)
You people gotta study well too!!=D Good luck.

Sunday, 18 February 2007


HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone out there!!!=D
Today is Lunar new year first day which is 初一,whereby most of the chinese will be going out to their relative house to 拜年.

But to foreigners, it might be a little different. As during chinese new year we will be cracking our head and think of somewhere to go to waste our time away. If u guys wanna us to study for our COMMON TEST[which is this coming friday],it's IMMPOSSIBLE~.lols.

Therefore, today my housemates,yishun friends and myself will be goin to 阿公house to 拜年.=D
The next stop for us would be the CINEMA.lols.
Please don't ask what movie are we going to watch as we couldn't think of any movies in mind.=)

Anyway,this year lunar new year was quite BORED as there's only 3people[as Jie Loung,Jenny andJanette is back in cambodia]+Kaka left in the house to celebrate which brought us a WEIRD feeling.lols.
I will be updating the steamboat dishes up soon.lols.

I got to apologize to u guys,as i promised to come updating my blog during Valentine day but end up didn't.lols.
However,it's okay~We will get used to it soon.
Anyway, Valentine day was a unlucky day for me,especially early in the morning. As i broke Yusri's MP3,hence,i will be getting a new one for him!
Anyway i received 2present.One from Yongxin[晓诗]and Jiaqi.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting By Yongxin.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting By Jiaqi
Felt quite bad as they used so many effort while me.=( Anyway wish tat they will like it!=)

Friday was the day our school celebrating Lunar new year,which is also equal to last year i gotta celebrate chinese new year here.lols.gotta miss SINGAPORE.
Anyway,our school got two interclass competition which is lantern making and hamper wrapping.For both we didn't win any prizes but at least it shows out us as ONE WHOLE CLASS together!=D**priase ourselve**
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

After school,got home and start packing my room and discovered something. Which is THERE'S LOAD OF DUST!!!=.-
And when i was cleaning up the room,there's a place where i placed all the birthday gifts i received this few years.Made me think back the PAST*happiness and sorrows.lols.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Steamboat Pictures:
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Starting food for 4people.
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First Round.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Say Cheese~
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Last Round.

Anyway before i leave,wishes of lunar new year gotta be send to ur guys!=)


Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Back to School

Today was a very TIRING* day and school started quite late too.
My housemates and i left the house at aroun 7a.m.
Of course, which lead to missing our 859 bus.lols.

At the bus stop, there's 2 other Sembawang Secondary School students and the 3 of us got inside 980 bus which will bring us behind Sun Plaza.

Early in the morning, Mrs Raju started saying how 'well' our school students had scored for o'level. Telling us that we have to learn from them the way they studies.(From students who score well,of course.)

After Mrs Raju finished her statements, it's Mrs Paramjit turn telling us about the Total Defences quiz and the giving out of prizes to the LOWER SEC*.(saying this as there's no prizes gaven to upper sec.lols.)

After the prizes giving ceremory, it's Mr Chong(our school OM) telling us about the instruction about the upcoming IPP event. Eg. What are we suppose to do and where are we suppose to go.

Finally the morning assembly ends, our class had our 15minutes Physic Education Lesson.=.-
Quite fun kicking soccer,esp for girls as we were watching free funny movies there.lols.*FUN!*

During our English lesson, IPP alarm broke out. it's damn HOT*!!!

Overall today lesson IS DAMN TIRING AND HOT!
i could even fall a sleep during emaths lesson and been called by Mdm sem for 2 times.=)

Anyway, Valentine Day coming~haven't buy the present of those who i have agreed to change presents wid.=(


Sunday, 11 February 2007

Linked Fahrenheit's Blog

Aloha~Here to update my blog.
For information: i had already linked Fahrenheit Blog address(those who requested).
Do go and visit it.=D Especially WuZun's one.lols.(Kidding)

Yesterday went to school in morning and returned home at 12.30pm to get change to go out wid Xinhui.
The first stop we went to is Chinatown as i have to get something for my parent and i spent s$250 there. Just for the medicine. Can u imagine how EX it is, but for my parent's health! It's worth~

The following stop was Bishan,actually wanted to go and see Show Luo Zhi Xiang but in the end i didn't. As there's alot of people there but as to compare with the IMM Fahrenheit's autograph session,yesterday was still quite alright as there's security guard there to lead them.

Therefore, i went to shop for my new year cloths instead with Xinhui, borrowed from her s$100 yesterday,as i didn't bring out enough cash.(Thanks Ahbu!=D)
I brought 2bags at a prize of s$56.quite worth as the shop is having a 20% off and i also brought 1cloth which cost me s$46,not worth at all but it's quite nice and it also come along with a necklece to match the cloth.

Reached home at 5plus and start surfing nets and watching HANA KIMI n CORNER WITH LOVE!=)
However,i managed to watch HANA KIMI finish while corner with love didn't as i fall a sleep half way through.lols.(been a tiring week for me)

The moment i woke up in the morning, i have been saving Fahrenheit's photographs!=)
Now my collection have already reached 100(excluding wuzun's pic).=D
Feeling happy!=)

Can't wait for the upcoming Chinese New Year!it's 猪年 le!=D
Promise to update New Year Wishes and not to let my blog to have a chance to get rot again.(Except for the period of examinations.)=)


Saturday, 10 February 2007

Finally Im BACK*

Finally Karen's back to update her belove [going to rot] blog.Bleahx.
Apologise for it as i have been busy* and LAZY to update my blog entries.

Today a miracle happened!& that's Karen came to update and even CHANGE the BLOGSKIN![praise myself.=)]
Since I had change my blogskin right,and there's also a job for u guys to do and tat's HELP ME TAG!=X
lols.(madness came pouring on me.)=D

For the past whole month of JAN,there's loads of things had been happening.
Like being hit by waterbottle(friends who know me,will understand.lols), having 3days program title: I Am Gifted, So Are U*, quarrels among classmates/housemates/schoolmates/guardian/teachers.lols.LOADS*, goin to IMM to get FAHRENHEIT's autograph & etc.

Summary of this whole month will be:
I have learn a lot of useful things that i have never learn/knew before.
Eg.How important this year is to me?,How important the people around me means,especially my family*members? & etc.

Relations between the class is getting smaller and smaller!=D(good thing to clap for!)
Anyway.Annoucement,4e1'o7 first outing will be ON MY 16th BIRTHDAY!
At first I don't really agreed with the arrangment but after a few minutes of thoughts coming into my mind,i could feel tat i was quite fortunate as i will be celebrate my last year birthday(IN SINGAPORE) with my dearest classmates!=)
THANKS*4E1 PUPILS! i will never forget this year in my entire life!=D

Anyway,my dearest housemate,Jie Luang, got her o'level results back and her L1R4 is7 and L1R5 is10!(OH MY GOSH!)
But my aims is to score L1R4-10pts & L1R5-12pts.=)
